New England
Harsh rocky soil made farming difficult, led to subsistence farms
New England
Land was granted to a group and towns were subdivided among families
New England
Fishing including whaling (lighting
New England
Shipbuilding and small-scale factories
New England
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Conneticut, New Hampshire
Blended other two
"Bread Basket" of the colonies
River system and ports provided access to back country and Atlantic
Favorable agricultural climate
New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware
Plantation system developed
Export crops: "cash crops" such as tobacco grown
Larger slave population was needed as labor
Farms tended to be scattered, less urban development.
Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia
It was the Truman Doctrine.
The Iron Curtain was the metaphorical barrier that seemed to split the Eastern Bloc from Western Europe. It was first mentioned by Churchill. The Berlin Wall was the physical embodiment of this "Curtain" that was constructed by the USSR to prevent Eastern Europeans from migrating. The Marshall Plan sent $13 billion to European nations to help them rebuild after WWII. The Truman Doctrine was specifically put in place to contain communism by aiding nations that were "at risk" so they would not turn to communism to solve their problems.
They responded with force and put down any unrest or uprisings.
Here are two examples:
June, 1953, East Germany. Construction workers in East Berlin began the protests, demanding an increase in work hours and calling for a general strike. The call to strike was broadcast over Radio in the American Sector (RIAS) in West Berlin and heard throughout East Germany. Over a million workers in 700 cities and towns heeded the call to strike on June 17, 1953. The Soviet Union responded swiftly and harshly, declaring a state of emergency and sending in tanks to larger cities where protests were occurring.
October/November, 1956 - Hungary.Protesters took to the streets in Hungary in October, 1956, demanding freedom from Soviet domination and more democratic political processes. Soviet domination and oppression continued relentlessly, as the USSR sent tanks and troops and crushed the Hungarian Uprising. Thousands of Hungarians were killed or wounded and over 200,000 fled the country.
It was the main source of income for most Americans
September 29–30, 1938: Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France sign the Munich agreement