We know this by dating the structures, evidence of life there long before anywhere else and by the Bible. You can also look into other sources of history too. There is a ton of info on Egypt provided by scrolls a old writing on stone tablets.
B is the one that bests explains the caste system. A caste system is when a society divides people in from birth into a pyramid of social class. The higher the person was on the pyramid the more privilage that person had. Furthermore the people from the class above your class were considered your superiors. In the end, B is the only reliable answer.
The Pennsylvania colony was tolerant of different sects of Christianity.
It was Henry David Thoreau. He was even sent to prison for not paying taxes that would go towards funding the war effort.
Compared to other recessions post world war 11 the great recession declined in real GDP which was much larger and lasted longer. It is during the great recession followed the collapse of housing prices and led to the decline in the health of many financial banks and firms.
During the Great Recession, the U.S long run aggregated the supply curve which shifted to the left and the same time demand curve aggregated and shifted to the left in parts because U.S housing prices fell and in the expected income there was a decrease.