An element is the purest form of molecular makeup. (hydrogen, carbon, etc.)
A compound is a substance formed by 2+ elements.
A reaction is a chemical change, in this case the foam rising from the dish.
A <u>catalyst</u> is something that causes a reaction.
Neutralization is when acids and bases balance out.
Conservation states that matter is not created nor destroyed but rather changes forms.
What is the antonym of the world “professional” w.r.t it’s usage in the passage?
a) Competent
b) Amateur
c) Master
d) Polished
4. In which year IPL became the first sporting event to be broadcast live on an online platform?
a) 2011
b) 2010
c) 2008
d) 2012
5. According to Duff & Phelps, the brand value of IPL in 2018 was
a) ₹11.5 billion
b) US $182 million
c) ₹ 6.3 billion
d) US $6.3 billion
Currently three electoral systems are used: parallel voting for House of Representatives and provincial assemblies, Single transferable vote for National If no specific provisions are made in this Act, the election of deputies of the Italian and Hungarian national communities shall be regulated by the provisions of this Act applying to the elections of other deputies.If no specific provisions are made in this Act, the election of deputies of the students. national communities shall be regulated by the provisions of this Act applying to the elections of other deputies.
The most convincing consideration made by the author is that in America there was freedom, since no individual was responsible for maintaining aristocrats and nobles. Each person was only responsible for himself and worked to enrich himself, something that the English could not do.
Letters from an American Farmer is a series of texts written by J. Hector St. John de Crèvecœur. The texts are written in a letter format where the author reasons about the exploitation of america, american identity, the advantages that america has and even slavery.
The third letter is entitled "what is an American?" where the author replies that to be an American is to have freedom and autonomy. He reinforces this argument by informing that in Europe, people do not have freedom and autonomy, because they are trapped by an aristocracy that they need to maintain. In that case, workers do not work to enrich themselves, but rather their princes. This does not exist in America, where each individual is not responsible for any noble person, but for himself and works for his own success.