A severe water crisis looms over India. ... A shortage of water will not only deprive millions of their means of earning a living but also it will result in severe foodgrain shortages, which would in turn trigger spikes in food prices, and also deepen India's problems of hunger and malnutrition.
Southerners who believed in Manifest Destiny Southerners who wanted to add new slave states. Northerners who were members of the Whig Party
Southerners who believed in Manifest Destiny Southerners who wanted to add new slave states. Northerners who were members of the Whig Party
The Chicano Movement of the 1960's, also called the Chicano Civil Rights or El Movimiento, was a civil rights movement extending the Mexican- American Civil Rights with the goal of achieving Mexican American Empowerment.
thank me later
Answer: Veteran's day was established to honor the veterans and the soldiers that died in battle.