basically there is nothing the doctor can do for him except pray he gets better
1. b You might have left it at school.
2. c You can't have sent it to the right address.
3. c He can't have taken his phone to work.
Number one
Bill: I can't find my camera.
Ben: <u>You might have left it at school.</u>
Bill: Yes, maybe. I'll look there tomorrow.
Number two
Alex: She didn't get my email.
Kat: <u>You can't have sent it to the right address.</u>
Alex: I'm sure I did. I checked before I sent it.
Number three
Clare: My dad wasn't answering his phone.
Liz: <u>He can't have taken his phone to work.</u>
Clare: But he always has it.
Annie is saying that if they pity and spoil Helen, then she will get no where in life, she will always be spoiled and expect things from others when she does something bad. The real pity is that she is spoiled into believing this, and Annie has come to right this wrong.
Hope this helps.
Spelling and grammar mistakes.