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Country B may be having geometry population growth rate while country A is still growing her population in an arithmetic population growth rate.
Secondly, country may have weak institutions to manage her resources effectively and efficiently which literally means resources capacity utilization and planning is very poor, resources risks are not properly assessed and managed, problem of skills mismatch
Use of resources are not optimized.
Task performance
creative task
Task performance
This is a performance assessment system that measures the way and manner a specific task was carried out. This can cover observable work-related behavioral pattern or time and accuracy of task
Routine Task performance
This is a performance assessment technique that involves popular attitude to normal demands or routine.
Adaptive Task performance
This deals with employees behavior towards certain, predictable and unusual job.
Creative Task Performance
This is the development of a useful ideas that can be deployed in both routine and adaptive task.
<u>TQM requires constant improvements in all areas of the company as well as employee empowerment.</u>
As the name implies, total quality management requires constant improvements in all areas of the company as well as employee empowerment.
In other words, the company expects 99.99% accuracy in all areas of operations which should also include employee empowerment so that they can better meet quality standards.