Hi! The answer should be a! Hope this helps!
This would be a better choice for her argument
A monkey named beetle was at the zoo he was playing with his friends and then he got hurt. Beetle wanted to be alone so he was left alone; he broke his leg; he had to be by himself; he tried to play with the others but he. Could‘t because he had a broken leg then he saw a human and the doctor said he got a broken leg because a dog bit him on his leg trying to get the monkey to take him home so he bought the monkey he named him and one of his friends' name was dorf. Drof was one of his close friends. Effored for the human to get the monkey he had to give him 3,000$ for the monkey then gave him the monkey and took him and named him . Funny boy the monkey went outside and he went to the pound he saw an alligator his name was. Goofy wanted a friend and the monkey went to the and the alligator looked sad the monkey asked what's wrong. He said that none of his old buddies wanted to be friends anymore; he said that they said that he was to. Into reading he always liked to read and do math he always got picked on because of that he always wanted to be a pet and then the monkey owner came out and saw them playing so he wanted him to be his friend and the owner took him in the owner named him jj. Jj wanted to play at his creek so the monkey helped him get there is was right next to his house so the alligator went in the creek he cold down for a little the monkey swam with him they had fun the they walked back home the went to sleep the owner went to buy some stuff for them he bought. Kod for the alligator he bought toy for the monkey and the alligator he bought food for the monkey to the he bought beds and cages for them and he bought a lot of other stuff to he also bought camping stuff for them to so after that he went home and woke both of the up they went camping they saw a. Long tail dog they had adopted the dog and he also had bought other stuff for other animals and one of them was dogs they had fed the dog and camped there until morning the sleep they named the dog moso he mogey ran off with them they didn't know where they were . mogey lead the way to a camp it had toys food and beds they were lost in word they lead a path from the camp to there car they went back to the camp and there was a secret base under it it had lot of stuff it had bananas and fish and dog food and it had a treasure map they looked at the map and the x was right under. Nicky was the name of the owner so he digged right under the there was the treasure was the had to hurry up and get to there car and put the treasure they went back home and solde some of the treasure and and they kept the money and some necklaces and bracelets there was dog tags and and gold and silver and a safe they were lost in words they had made a shop and it was the opening day he had cut the ridon and the shop was. Open they were so happy they were grateful for what they had found they were so happy they made a lot of money they had helped homeless and poor they did everything possible that they could to help people in need they were very nice
1 - because they knew he was different and he was not their child
2 - because he is the chosen one and a wizard
3 - the snake talked to harry
4 - they are wizards
5 - because they think he is trouble and his mom was a witch
Remember, a linking verb <span>is a </span>verb which<span> connects a subject to its predicate without expressing an action.
"Was" is the linking verb.