The human body reserves creatinine phosphate as the energy source at the start of 100 yard dash (race).
The creatinine phosphate is converted into ATP, which is the energy package of our body. ATP is body's usable form of energy. Energy is stored in various forms in our body such as fats, carbohydrates and proteins. At a microscopic level, it is stored in molecules like creatinine phosphate. Carbohydrate and fats are the primary source of our body followed by proteins.
Our body uses three different forms of metabolism to convert these molecules in ATPs. These three processes are Phosphagen System, Aerobic Respiration and Glycolic/Anaerobic respiration.
To know more about Energy Source:
food chain- description 3
energy losses- description 5
pyramid of biomass- description 1
pyramid of numbers- description 4
energy flow- description 2
Answer: Receptor protein.
The receptor protein on the cell surface would enable a cell to respond to glucagon. The glucagon binds to the GPCR on the liver and muscle cells and is known as glucagon receptor.
This receptor then stimulates cells to release glucose into the blood stream. Another hormones involved during this process is glucagon like peptide 1.
It works by binding to another GPCR which is GLP-1 receptor found on the pancreatic cells.