Colgó arriba el teléfono ~ He hung up the phone.
ser, estar y parecer
Los verbos copulativos son tres: ser, estar y parecer.
Muy facil
1) para curar la depresion tienes que ir al psicologo
2)las japoneses se estrellaban contra los barcos americanos es decir no hace falta calcular nada porque igual explotn
3)usa la trigonometria maquina dios te bendiga
4) cuidate del ovid
spana coo
6) suerte fiera maq5) que viva euina titan tifon mastodonte numero 1 crac
The expression "old year" is Spanish, it is an expression that is used when we are going to receive a new year in December.
For example, this year in December, we will receive the year 2019.
Therefore, the year 2018 will be called "old year"
The translation of the expression "old year" in Spanish is:
old year = Año viejo
"Año viejo" is a term used to name the year before when we will receive a new year.