I think it’s target audience
You need to check each sentence for errors. If there's an extra letter, such as the "s" in "reads" (#1) you need to use the symbol which deletes a letter. If a sentence/word is missing a word/letter... you need to use a symbol to show that a word/letter should be shown there.
The passage uses the interrogative mood to get people to think and to ask themselves questions.
The way the questions are posed they are rhetorical which is a characteristic of interrogative mood.
They are found by the Nazis.
A cat supposedly dropped a book from the book shelf that was closing off the entrance to the annex and the door opened- a Nazi was standing outside and heard it, and soon he took them away
I think the answer is B.
In the play when he cancels, Mrs. Pringles says this “ How dare he! How dare he! The last moment like this! No regards for hostesses feelings no regards for the efforts she goes through to provide evening enjoyments, and such a good dinner I planned....” And so on. She also hits the telephone in anger and paces back and forth in rage.
In the short story it only says “how dare! At the last moment! So inconsiderate of him....” and so on. The play only says that she flew into a rage and that she roared her sentences.