The given phrase is taken out from the commonlit and is the correct one.
Expectation handles at a straw, and it was very with regards to the state of Martha's brain that she should open her ears and her heart when they advised her of the superb works of the confidence fix man. Individuals had gone to him on braces, and he had contacted or scoured them and they had left away entirety. He had gone to the homes of the incapacitated, and they had ascended to favor him.
It was so natural for her to trust everything. The main religion she had known, the wild, enthusiastic religion of a large portion of her race, put her credulity8 to more grounded tests than that. Her lone inquiry was, would such a man go to her humble9 room. Be that as it may, she set aside even this idea. He should come. She would make him. As of now she saw Lucy solid and running about like a mouse, the delight of her heart and the light of her eyes.
i pick ummmm......... D) lighthearted , funny
Because everyone hates and wants to kill the monster and no one loves him and he wouldn't have to care about all that if he had never been made