a.Cuba is located 90 miles from the coast of Florida and mid-range communist missiles could reach U.S. cities from there.
The location of Cuba was so significant during the Cuban Missile Crisis because D. Cuba is located only 90 miles from the coast of Florida. Armed with medium or long-ranged nuclear missiles provided by the Soviets, Fidel Castro's Cuba could have had a great deal of the United States in his crosshairs even beyond Miami, Florida.
A federal republic
The official definition of India on government websites is that the country is a Socialist Secular Democratic Republic with a parliamentary system. It has a federal structure with unitary characteristics. The president is the head of the state , and a prime minister elected by Parliament is the head of government
It would allow the farmers to transport goods easily and cheaper
The Homestead Act was attractive to settlers, because it gave land to anyone over 21, or head of family (even women and former slaves), who applied for land, this land for a very cheap price (or no price at all) and through this it enabled easy settlement. The farmers had to then cultivate the land for a period of time, and if they did not abandon it and tended to it properly, it became their property.