Well wheres the dialogue?
I would say According to the book Counting the Beans, the data are unsound. Because you give the name of the book and the page where such information can be found.
The setting allows us to visualize and help us further get an image of the developing plot.
Barclays Africa Group Limited Amalgamated Banks of South Africa (ABSA)
When Odysseus wokes up, after his landfall in Ithaca, he thought that he is in a strange land.
'The Odyssey' is an epic poem written by Homer. The poem is about the protagonist Odysseus, also known as Ulysses. The epic poem narrates the story of Ulsseys wanderings after the Trojan War and his return to his kingdom.
<u>In book 13, when Ulysseus woke up after his landfall in Ithaca, he did not recognise his land. And asked a stranger (Athena in disguise as beggar) on what land he is. The thoughts and observations that Odysseus made when he made his landfall in Ithaca was that he thought he was on a strange land. The reason that Ulysseus was not able to recognise his own land may be because of the mist with which Athena covered the land and Odysseus, to protect him from his enemies.</u>