Answer: In Beowulf, Hrothgar is characterized as being old and weak, although he was once a noble and mighty ruler.
Explanation: This is because he has lived his life in the greatest manner he could
I dont know if this is correct.
Dear Service Member, THANK YOU for everything you have sacrificed to serve our country. I do not take my freedom for granted and I'm grateful every day there are people like you who put their lives on the line. I don't know you personally, but I feel the sacrifice you and your family offer up every day
Even though it may be hard, people can grasp multiple cultural identities.
1. Since the well has been in place, her walk to get water has been reduced from three hours one way to just 20 minutes. I never knew it could be like this,” Beatrice says of how her life has changed.
2. If the distance a girl has to travel to get clean water is reduced by just 15 minutes, her school attendance will increase by 12%. people lack access to clean water around the world. And her family's health has greatly improved.
Explanation: Please don't put your questions in all caps... It makes it sound like you are mad at the people who are helping you!!!
Adjectives are words that modify nouns, noun phrases, and pronouns, providing detail about their qualities or state of being. Adjective clauses are groups of words containing a subject and a predicate (clauses) and providing additional information about the noun, noun phrase, or pronoun. They begin with relative pronouns (e.g. <em>who, whom, whose, that, which</em>) or relative adverbs (<em>when, where, why</em>).
In the given example, the adjective clause is <u><em>that everyone should know.</em></u> The word the clause modifies is the noun<em> </em><u><em>facts</em></u>: <em>facts that everyone should know</em>, providing additional information about it (the sentence <em>This course deals with facts</em> is also correct, just lacking detail).