None of them are true except C and boy is it expensive to repair so many thousands of potholes every year.
Somebody asked me if I'm autistic, I'm autistic as sh*
<u>Here's what I found hope it helps: </u>
Gitl informs Hannah that there is a plan. She does not go into detail, nor does she tell Hannah what the plan is or when it will take place. Hannah only knows that she will be involved somehow. Gitl refuses to tell Hannah out of concern that Hannah may inadvertently discuss it and be overheard. Hannah asks Gitl again and again over the next days, but Gitl tells her nothing.
The days pass in this fashion. Each evening the smoke rises from the stacks. The prisoners are glad that as long as someone else is being "processed," they themselves will not be.
<em>One night Hannah is awoken by Gitl, who tells her that it is time. She descends from her bunk. Gitl hands her a pair of shoes in the dark. The door to the barracks is unlocked. Gitl tells Hannah that some guards can be bribed. Hannah asks if Fayge is coming too. Gitl tells her that Fayge has decided to stay, preferring the dark wolf she knows to the dark one she does not.</em>
"I Am Prepared to Die" is the name given to the three-hour speech given by Nelson Mandela on 20 April 1964 from the dock of the defendant at the Rivonia Trial. The speech is so titled because it ends with the words "it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die".