Ocean-Ocean Divergent
Continent-Continent Transform
Continent-Continent Convergent
Continent-Ocean Convergent
Ocean-Ocean Transform
Continent-Ocean Convergent
Continent-Continent Divergent
The above all sites are possible to generate earthquake . The divergent boundary whether it is Continent-Continent or Ocean-Ocean can generate shallow earthquake although it's very weak . The transform plate boundary or strike slip plate motion also generate shallow but powerful earthquake ( example: San Andres Fault is a transform plate boundary) . Another one is convergent boundary which can generate deep and very powerful earthquake .
Urbanization refers to those areas of urban that can grow by increasing human population or migration of people from rural to urban areas & then it impacts our environment like deforestation, habitat loss and decreased of biodiversity.
Air pollution due to the high concentration of traffic and industries. Increased a greenhouse gas due to which it emissions a high levels of energy consumption and transportation. Urbanization affects our environment by improper or insufficient waste or smelly problem in urban areas.
Light pollution can be a ecological issues with different consequences. loss of green space and increase of heat island is also effected. It also affect our health due to increased risk of disease by overcrowding .
Learn more about impacts of urbanization click the link here:
The neap tide is tide that occur when sun,earth and moon are positioned to form a right triangle in space.The sun,earth and the moon form a right angle and the gravitational pull of the sun counteracts the pull of the moon.This neap tide occurs when the difference between high and low tide is least. In addition the neap tide comes twice a month,in the first and third quarters of the moon.
Earth's rotation causes air and water in the northern hemisphere to appear to move right and in the southern hemisphere to appear to move left
Factor that affect a country's deaths rate includes:
- Access to clean water
- Medical facilities
- Living standards of the people
Factor that could affect a country's birth rate include:
- Use of contraceptives methods
- Government Policies (The one child policy in China)