These are the definition of ear parts.
1. Olfactory nerve is the nerve that sends smell messages to the brain.
2. Auditory nerve is the nerve that transmits sound impulses to the cerebral cortex.
3. Epidemis is the outermost layer of skin.
4. Cochlea is the snail-shaped structure which translates sound vibrations into nerve impulses.
5. Auricle catches and directs sound waves.
6. Dermis is the inner layer of skin.
7. Semicircular canal is structure in the inner ear composed of three looped tubes.
8. Tympanic membrane is also known as the ear drum.
Because the boy wasn't doing his job right. I think he lost sheep.
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Formal language
Informal language
When you are communicating with someone that you don’t know very well
Situations that are more relaxed and that involve people that you know well or know each other well
Business emails
Some business correspondence
Academic writing/ articles
In everyday conversations
Professional academic situations
Personal emails
Social media
Public tenders
Spontaneous speech
Official documents
Text messages
Talking to superiors
Talking to peers
Legal documents
Some meeting minutes
Public speaking (speeches, lectures, etc)
Networking or socialising with clients
Job interviews
Team meetings
informal is with friends or family or someone you know
formal is with people who you know
personally like office or school etc.