It is a mourning poem called an elegy.
The poem is an elegy which is a type of poem that is written in deep sadness and mourning.
From the poem, it shows a man that is dealing with the loss of his son and is trying to cope with the grief and death of his son.
<u>"Farewell, thou child of my right hand, and joy; My sin was too much hope of thee, lov'd boy."</u>
The first uses dialogue and character; the second uses first-person point of view.
The first excerpt is found in Chapter Eight titled "September 2nd, 1973" from <em>Fever 1793</em> by Laurie Halse Anderson is based on the yellow fever epidemic that ravaged Philadelphia. The story is from the point of view of the young Mattie Cook, describing how the pandemic had destroyed the lives of the people.
The second excerpt is from <em>The Summer of the Pestilence</em> by George Dodd Armstrong. The book also deals with the history of the same yellow fever that not only affected Philadelphia but also other parts of the nation such as Virginia.
While both books deal with the same pandemic, their dealing with the issue of unprecedented deaths differ a bit. The first book uses a dialogue-conversation approach, with the characters greatly involved whereas the second book uses the first person point of view to address the deaths. These two books may deal with the same issue but their approaches of the deaths and sick people differ such that their narrative plots also differ.
1: trees bent in the wind
2: ruffled edges of clouds
3: road climbed another hill
4: enormity of the space
5: gold to dark blue