It was because the Scientific Revolution was new. And back in the days, people were afraid and scared of the new and they immediately disagreed to the new. So this is why a conflict emerged with the Church about the Scientific Revolution.
they provide a variety of vitamins and minerals and are often fortified with nutrients like Ca,B12, and vitamin D(13).
The answer is: No it wasn't.
The economics of slavery and political control of that system that was central to the conflict.
Main reasons:
States' rights-They wanted to avoid federal laws, especially laws interfering with the South's right to keep slaves and take them wherever they wished
Territorial expansion--the newly formed Republican party, whose members were strongly opposed to the westward expansion of slavery into new states
Secession--They felt excluded from the political system , and decided to withdraw themselves. All these led to war.
One of the main issues between the Eastern and Western churches during the religious Schism was Rome's bishop claim to supreme theological authority.
Eventually, the Western Church would go on to recognize Rome's Bishop as the Pope, while the Eastern Church would not.
The Eastern Church has a less centralized structure, and there isn't a single figure with full theological authority.