Answer: Near
The paralysis of the ciliary muscle, the curvature of the lens can no longer be adjusted to focus on nearby objects when it is damaged or weakens throughout time.
Sound travels slowly because the amount of pressure.
Option A, Start the reaction by absorbing light energy
Chlorophyll is a green color pigment in plant that helps in entrapping sunlight. Being green in color, it absorbs the blue and red light and reflects the green light. The molecules of chlorophyll gains energy from sunlight and then jumps to higher energy levels by the process known as photo excitation. These excited molecules get ionized to further initiate the process of photosynthesis.
Hence, option A is correct.
4 types of mutation:
Germline mutations occur in gametes. Somatic mutations occur in other body cells.
Chromosomal alterations are mutations that change chromosome structure.
Point mutations change a single nucleotide.
Frameshift mutations are additions or deletions of nucleotides that cause a shift in the reading frame.
3 more:
Over a lifetime our DNA can undergo changes or 'mutations?' in the sequence of bases?, A, C, G and T.
This results in changes in the proteins that are made.
Mutations can occur during DNA replication if errors are made and not corrected in time.
A change in their food, from trees to grass in the Great Plains.