Think about it for a moment. How many different plots can you think of for a novel?
My guess is not many.
Historical Novels (Romance usually)
Can you think of more?
Occasionally you do get something original -- something that resembles no other novel (for example). I'm think of something like James Joyce's <em>Ulysses. </em> There are great novel's from the past, but they fit into some category or another. Ulysses does not I don't think. The other genres (like poetry - especially poetry) don't always fit into a category.
Although each of the branches has their own specific powers and duties, it’s really the Congress that has the most clearly expressed powers, seeing as how the Framers of the Constitution thought that institution was going to be the most powerful. Today, it definitely is, in a very literal sense, and the enumerated powers (also called expressed powers, explicit powers or delegated powers) of the United States Congress are listed in Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution. In summary, Congress may exercise the powers that the Constitution grants it, subject to the individual rights listed in the Bill of Rights .
Kuiper Belt
a region of the solar system that is just beyond the orbit of Neptune and that contains small bodies made mostly of ice.
learns to speak the host country's official language
The assimilation is a process through which a person integrates into a society that is different that the society of its origin. One of the first steps of assimilation is learning the language of the host country, as it is a must for communication and work. Further, the assimilation continues with the acceptance of the laws of the host nation, and gradually accepting its cultural traits over time. A perfect example of this is the United States, where there are people from all over the world, but they assimilate into one common culture of the host country.