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Yes they could have became citizens of Rome and Athens because the law changed sooner than later.
That law was relaxed as well as time went on; for example, children of freed slaves could apply to become citizens. Even if both parents were Roman citizens, children had no rights. Boys of Roman citizens went though a ceremony when they were 16 or 17, depending upon how close their birthday was to March 17th, and at that time became citizens of Rome with full benefits.
The letter signed by Samuel Adams caused very negative reactions in the British, which increased tensions between the British Parliament and Massachusetts, who not to give up what the letter said, led the British Empire to decide the occupation of the city of Boston by the British Army. This fact, in turn, and given the repressive forms of reaction of the British, was a fact that rushed and provoked the American Revolution. It should be noted that in the letter, it was expressed at the end that the settlers were still subjects of His Majesty and that only expressed with anguish their problems.
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