An attribution is <u>the way where by we link up behavior of a person to the cause of that behavior.</u> .The type of attribution based on personal characteristics is called a <u>INTERNA</u><u>L</u> attribution while an attribution based on the situation is called an <u>EXTERNAL</u> attribution.
Attribution has to do with the inferences individuals make about a particular behavior and the causes. Making attributions enable one to have more meaning about the experience that has occurred.
INTERNAL ATTRIBUTION: is the type of attribution that is based on whether the individual behavior is as a result of the personal factors of the person. Such factors can include traits, personality or effort.
EXTERNAL ATTRIBUTION: that the behavior of a person is as result of external factors that are foreign to the individual who perform the act.
The last one,Hamamoto's work offers opportunities to people of all abilities.
the founding documents of the United States.
Innovative concepts and new ideas like social contract and Tabula Rasa from the Enlightenment philosophers have changed the mind of the colonist by making them comprehend their rights. Researchers showed new ideas and those ideas went against orthodox religious doctrines, scientists named this time frame Enlightenment. The Declaration of Independence set forth by the founding fathers of the U.S states a government is permissible only if the people agree to be governed by it. The Declaration of Independence introduces the principle of the Enlightenment which included equality, natural rights, and sovereignty, and that the primary aim of a government is to protect these rights.
Answer: a. is also known as the "shopkeeper's tort."
What does false imprisonment mean?
This refers to an act of restraining someone in an area where they can not get our such as keeping them in a locked house without their consent with an intention of keeping them as your prisoner since they are kept in a restrictive area.
A tort refers to doing something that expose someone to injury and which can be counted as a civil wrong act or not doing something that can save them from injury. Under tort "injury" refers to invading someone's right whereas harm refers to a loss caused to an individual.
What does shopkeeper tort refers to , I believe this is taken from shopkeeper's privilege law which is used in the United States to restrain someone who stole in your shop for a period of time as long as there is sufficient proof that they stole from your shop.