In factories- it was rough, everyone is on a handful of hours of sleep, they barely got paid, and when children were working in the factories, they would hurt themselves a lot.
1.) Indo-Pakistani War: Bangladesh became a nation
2.) Yom Kippur War: Israel fought against Egypt and Syria
3.) Camp David Accords: Egypt and Israel agree to a treaty
4.) Salt II Talks: Nuclear arsenals were greatly reduced
5.) Iranian Revolution: American hostages were taken following this
I hope this helps :)
C be of the an ice ending
In the the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Russia had to abandon
Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russian Poland, Part of Belarus, Ukraine, Bessarabia, and Parts of the Caucasus to the Ottoman Empire
The Germans hoped to turn most of these countries into German satellite states.
In addition, Russia had to agree to pay about US$ 6 billion in reparations to Germany.