The correct answer is option D.
The market price is P.
The marginal cost is given at MC.
The subsidy is equal to s.
When the subsidy is provided to only a single firm, that firms marginal cost will decline. The firm can take advantage of decreased marginal cost by increasing the output level. The firm will produce the output where the price and marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost plus subsidy. At this point, the firm will be having maximum profit.
So, the firm will increase production until
The answer and procedures of the exercise are attached in the following archives.
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Based on their observations of what actually occurs in the organization, employees demonstrate the enacted values and norms.
Your values are the things you hold dear in terms of how you conduct your life and career. Value indicates the significance of an action or thing in ethics and social sciences. Values include things like money, allegiance, independence, fairness, equality, justice, brotherhood, and friendship. Values include things like money, allegiance, independence, fairness, equality, justice, brotherhood, and friendship. In the social sciences, norms are a key notion. Norms are most frequently described as socially imposed laws or expectations. Norms can be prescriptive (encouraging good behavior, such as "be honest") or proscriptive (forbidding bad behavior, such as "do not cheat").
Learn more about Norms here
Esteem needs.
An individual's esteem need according to Maslow is the need for respect, self esteem, status, and self confidence. Everyone wants to be valued and accepted by people, and this is esteem need. Esteem is an internal need but it is influenced by external environment when people validate and approve of a person.
North has just been promoted and along with this status change comes a corner office and a designated parking spot. This shows she is accepted and valued by the organisation.