The solution was hypertonic and that the cells had burst.
The original location of an earthquake is known as the epicenter.
Sickle cell disease has a benefit in malaria infection because it makes the parasites easier to eliminate. This makes a person with sickle cell disease is more likely to survive the malaria infection, which found many in Africa.
Sickle cell disease has a few drawbacks because it makes the red blood cells less durable, which lead to the destruction of more red blood cells. In normal condition(where malaria doesn't exist like in America), this gene will make the organism less likely to survive than those who don't have the gene.</span>
Main protein in ending high fidelity in E. Coli is the Tus protein that binds to Ter sequences in order to prevent replication forks from passing through the end region. In the Ter sequences, the Tus protein blocks replication by establishing a close association with a particular G-C base pair.
The main protein in human cells is telomerase, which contains an RNA primer and is required to extend the synthesis of lagging strands in linear chromosomal telomeres.