The passage is explaining what a professional tailor is, and the reasons why this profession is dying out. It's not talking about any other profession, it's not dismissing the importance of the profession, and it's not encouraging young people to become a tailor in this passage. It is just bringing awareness on this issue.
Death of a Salesman explores the psychological chaos of the protagonist, the aptly-named Willy Loman, his belief in providing for his family and leaving a legacy behind after death, and the capitalist society's impact on his life. ... The aforementioned struggle to provide for his family drives Willy to his death.
he function of setting and atmosphere in Death of a Salesman correspond with one another to show the importance of the Loman household, the time period of the play, and Willy's flashbacks. ... He wishes that he could go back and live in that time period.
Because the protagonist discovers that he has psychic powers, and turned into a weapon for the US Government. Postmodernism<span> is largely a reaction to the assumed certainty of scientific, or objective, efforts to explain reality.</span>
Refer to the explanation.
How your environment influences you isn’t just a matter of whether you find it visually pleasing. In fact, when we spend a lot of time somewhere, we no longer really notice what’s around us. The piles of paperwork on your work-from-home desk or the laundry spilling out of your closet seem to disappear when you stop paying attention to them for a few days, or a few weeks. That’s due to a phenomenon known as habituation—sometimes called “attentional blindness.”
But just because you’re not consciously focusing on your surroundings doesn’t mean they’re not taking a toll on your mental health. The way your room smells (how long has that pizza box been sitting on the bureau?), how warm or cold it feels, and the sounds in the space are as important as what we see, as your mind reflects your surroundings. In fact, young adults who are spending all day in their rooms on their computers, working remotely or attending virtual college classes, are mostly looking at their screens. But their other senses are continually taking in various stimuli, like the temperature, scents, and noises in the room.
Whether you’re living in a city or the country, at home with your family or with roommates, in a new apartment building or an old farmhouse, your immediate environment influences you and your state of mind. And it goes the other way as well: Your mood will be reflected in your space. For example, people who are depressed often don’t have the energy to clean, organize, or open the windows to let in light and air. This creates a kind of vicious cycle, as the environment becomes another factor contributing to poor mental health.
You may not even realize how your environment influences you—both your mindset and your behavior.