Here's what they're saying. " I want my plate. Can you give it to me? Quiero mi plato. Me lo pasas.
Jose- abuelo
Paloma- abuela
Ernesto- padre
Maria- madre
Salvador- tío
Rosa- tía
Renaldo- hermano
Juanita- prima
Pedro- primo
All of them, a cognate is a word that in a different language sounds the same as it means in english E.G. Internet and Internet.
The main idea of the paragraph is the use of nicknames
My friend Jose from Uruguay is thirteen years old. Jose's nickname is Pepe. He's got green eyes. My little brother is called Jesus and has the nickname of Sito. He's very creative and patient. I have no nicknames, but the mother of my friends in Bolivia has the nickname of my son or M'hija for the children.