The answer is: acquisition and expansion
Acquisition: Univision's roots go back to 1955, when Mexican businessman Raúl Cortez founded his own station, KCOR-TV, an independent station in Spanish in San Antonio, Texas, which eventually changed the name of the station to KUAL-TV in 1958. The station was not profitable during its early years, so in 1961, Cortez sold KUAL-TV (now known as KWEX-TV) to a group headed by his son-in-law Emilio Nicolas.
Expansion: On September 29, 1962, Nicolás and Azcárraga signed a second station in Spanish language, KMEX-TV in Los Angeles. Then in 1968, the duo expanded their holdings to the New York City area, when they created WXTV in Paterson, New Jersey. With the development of cable television began the idea of creating a network that took its Hispanic programming to some Hispanic cities in the United States, such as Los Angeles and Miami, where these three stations (which became part of the group Spanish International Communications ) formed the nucleus of Spanish International Network (abbreviated as SIN), the first television channel in the United States to broadcast its programming in a language other than English.
For the next 20 years, WITHOUT acquiring other Spanish-speaking television stations of the first category in the United States; As part of its expansion, the network acquired additional stations, WLTV-DT in Miami and KTVW-DT in Phoenix; And he achieved a part-time affiliation with WCIU-TV in Chicago
Derivatives With:
(idk if what u needed was a translation but i hope this helps)
Hot climate over there and sunny
Answer: Preparaban mucha comida.
<em>Every year for Christmas, grandparents prepared a lot of food to receive the whole family. Cousins and uncles came from everywhere to celebrate. They had the tradition of eating tamales at midnight. The entire family met and sang Christmas songs, and they were very happy. For Mother's Day, everyone was together again to celebrate and had typical meals. </em>
<em>What were the grandparents doing for Christmas? </em>
- <em>They were going to visit his family. </em>
- <em>They were going to buy gifts. </em>
- <em>They prepared a lot of food. </em>
- <em>They went to the park.</em>
Este texto nos cuenta algo muy común en la navidad; la familia reunida para la época navideña. En los países de latinoamericano la familia es de suma importancia y es usual que la familia nuclear y la familia extendida se reúnan y celebren juntos hasta cuatro generaciones. El cocinar comidas típicas es muy importante pues es la forma en la que se conservan las tradiciones.
El día de las madres es otra fecha muy importante donde la familia se reúne y celebra.
Espero esta información sea de tu ayuda.
Earth has more inertia than the moon