Creolization is most commonly referred to the languages that merged with the dominant language and culture to produce a new language with variations and an own life:
The cases most exemplified are the French variations that are present in Haiti (Haitian Creole, or in Mauritania, where Mauritian Creole formed).
The cultural patterns embrace selectively some aspects of European and Latin American or African origins as the people came in contact with each other.
The ethnic and social differences in this highly diversified societies account for the formation of a new culture with both local and external roots.
The Nuremberg Race Laws were two in a series of key decrees, legislative acts, and case law in the gradual process by which the Nazi leadership moved Germany from a democracy to a dictatorship.
The Endangered Species Act of 1973
Resumes are applied to create a favorable impact on a prospective employer. The resume acts as the first impact of the potential of the candidate on the employer.
While writing a resume, is it important to include as many relevant keywords as possible because when the resume is reviewed, the employer views for matches in capabilities, experiences, and intelligence. As more matches are identified there are between the company's requirement and a person's resume, better will be the chances of getting shortlisted.