The essay initially pretends to be a critique of a type of self-improvement book popular at the time, which claimed to tell how to achieve success. These books defined success strictly in financial terms and assumed that if anyone follows certain steps, they will be able to duplicate the accomplishments of wealthy business owners. However, Chesterton’s review of these books includes a broader social criticism. The focus on the definition of success strictly in terms of money is central to his essay. But wrapped around that issue is the idea that each person can or should perceive success on the same terms as a business leader. He illustrates the point by saying a donkey is successful at being a donkey as much as a millionaire is successful at being a millionaire, so there is no point in calling a donkey a failed millionaire or vice versa.
This question involved Latin.
Ostendere : Ostensible :: (D) Videre : Introspection
He is one of the survivors of the Nazi extermination process in Auschuwitz. The story is told in his point of view.
Because her dad gave tips to Bruno in the game she was playing with Bruno. Her mother reminds her it’s only a game.
I think they are played romantically as heroines.