If you conserve or save scarce resources they will no longer be as scarce as before and more of those scarce resources will be available. Conservation can even make the scarcity of a resource nonexistent, meaning the resource is now plentiful or enough.
double a;
double b;
double distance = Math.sqrt( (Math.pow(a, 2) + Math.pow(b, 2));
System.out.println("The distance is: " + distance);
The code snippet is written in Java.
First, variable a is declared as a type of double and variable b is also declared as a type of double.
The given formula for the distance is:
√(a² + b²)
So we use the inbuilt function of Java to calculate the power and the square root.
Math.sqrt is to find the square root and it returns a value of type double.
Math.pow is use to calculate the value of a² and b².
a² = Math.pow(a, 2)
b² = Math.pow(b, 2)
Then Math.sqrt is applied to the sum of Math.pow(a, 2) and Math.pow(b, 2), the value is assigned to distance of type double.
The value of distance is now displayed to the user:
System.out.println("The distance is: " + distance);
Answer: x + 30 = 10 and x + 30 = –10
Explanation: The two equations can be used to find the minimum and maximum depths Laurie wants to stay between is the below:
x + 30 = 10 and x + 30 = -10
Hope this helps!
Option B
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