All of the above would be important factors .
The divine right of kings, divine right, or God's mandate is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving the right to rule directly from a divine authority, like the monotheist will of God.
The statement is TRUE.
Old imperialism was characterized by direct occupation and dominance of a territory, and started with the arrival of the Spanish to America leaded by Columbus in 1492. Colonized territories depended on their mother country for political, economic, social and cultural issues. Apart from Spain, also other countries such as France, UK or Belgium created their own empires.
The relationships established with the colonist were mostly profitable for the mother country, specially in economic terms. Such system allowed the mother country to consume raw materials, minerals and other resources from the colonies only paying for the costs of their obtention or extraction, and to use them to produce manufactures. Subsequently, they traded the final products in the international markets, becoming powerful exporting nations. They even sold those final products back in the colonies.
Yes because a lot of things can be done with words, look at Ghandi or Martin Luther King Junior's "I have a Dream" speech.