Simply put, their actions have caused an increase in the amount of security in our country. The technology for public safety also has been greatly developed in the post cold war era. In terms of policies I would say there are more limitations/restrictions to things you can bring on a plane and things like that. Hope this helps...
Islamic scholars expertly gathered data and ordered it so that people could easily understand and reference information through various texts. They also summarized many Greek and Roman writings, compiling encyclopedias. Rather than being a subject in its own right, medicine was part of medieval Islamic culture.
"शिक्षा और रोजगार दोनों एक दूसरे के पूरक है इस विषय पर अपने विचार लिखिए" means "Write your thoughts on the subject that both education and employment complement each other"
"Education prepares you for employment so you can perform the duties that job requires. Then, that employment gives you experience that is like education, which makes it possible to get employment at a higher level. Education and employment are locked together, giving us the opportunity to learn and grow, until we reach our potential" or "शिक्षा आपरोजगार के लिए तैयार करता है ताकि आप कर्तव्यों है कि नौकरी की आवश्यकता है प्रदर्शन कर सकते हैं । फिर वह रोजगार आपको शिक्षा की तरह अनुभव देता है, जिससे उच्च स्तर पर रोजगार मिलना संभव हो जाता है। शिक्षा और रोजगार एक साथ बंद कर रहे हैं, हमें जानने के लिए और बढ़ने का अवसर दे रही है, जब तक हम अपनी क्षमता तक पहुंचने "
Would send troops or weapons
-Arrival of the shabby stranger
-Maxwell's challenge to first church
-Norman applies to challenge the newspaper
-Norman faces public reaction to the challenge
-Maxwells' speech to the working man
-The crisis of Powers' decision about the law violation
-Rachel and Virginia struggle with how Christ would act in their cases
-Rachel dedicates her voice to the Lord
-Dedication of Maxwell to the ministry in the Rectangle
-Resignation of Powers
-Dedication of Wright and Marsh to political involvement in the rectangle problems.