The American Dream: Nearly every group that has come to the United States has embraced the idea of the American dream, which, in
turn, has different meanings for different people. Some immigrants escaped brutal regimes and therefore pursue an American dream of living in freedom. Others subscribe to an American dream in which hard work leads to economic success. Although Americans have always cherished the ideals of liberty, equality, democracy, individualism, unity, and diversity, the United States has not always lived up to them. Slavery, the mistreatment of Native Americans, and the failure to give women the right to vote for more than a century are the most glaring examples.
Explain how the different views of what the American Dream is and how to achieve it a real show of the meaning behind this idea? Use personal experience to explain your stance.
Because it established judicial review which gave the Supreme Court the ability to declare legislations unconstitutional which in turn limited congressional power.
Answer:The north of the U.S. was considered to be more advanced because they had a lot better technology and they were more on the industry side, where as the south did agriculture