Using the three words below, write a complete French sentence using the appropriate preposition( à, en, au, aux, de,des, du, d'). You may copy and paste the accented character from this list if needed:
Àà Ââ Ää Çç Éé Èè Êê Ëë Îî Ïï Ôô Œœ Ùù Ûû Üü
Je, aller, Mexique
<em>Je vais </em>au <em>Mexique.</em>
The answer is le vétérinaire
Answer: Explain in French why you like this recipe.
I don't quite understand your question but the words in french is that above.
1. Mme Annabelle et M. Nkansah sont:
b. Des hommes d’affaires
2. Mme Annabelle M. Nkansah exportent :
b. Des produits alimentaires et cosmétiques
3. Mme Annabelle et M. Nkansah travaillent :
b. Depuis cinq ans et neuf ans respectivement
4. Mme Annabelle exporte les aliments :
b. En France et en Belgique
5. Madame Annabelle et Monsieur Nkansah dédouanent:
b. En Euros
Poor Malik!
A. Read Malik's story.
It's noon, Malik is hungry and goes to a restaurant. He distractedly watches the people passing by
in the street. Suddenly he sees his girlfriend Mina with another boy! They look good
enjoy! Malik is furious. He runs out of the restaurant and looks for the couple through