By pushing them into analyzing things outside the box from an ethical perspective that did not necessarily had nothing to do with legalism.
In many ways, you can say that rejection of man-made laws ended up supporting Romantics' belief in individualism. Because they valued the individual instead of the collective, it promoted idealism by making them aim for loftier goals than society aspired to. They believed in freedom, in the person itself, in different ways to see things that did not always fall into an objective way of judging other people's actions. It all pushed them to see innocence and inspiration in nature as well.
A theme would be the importance of family and hope. Bud has many obstacles in the story but never gives up.
' Miss Watson claims to live her life well so she can go to heaven. The irony is that, despite her claims of goodness, she owns slaves. She even plans to sell Jim down the river, away from his family, though she has always promised him she never would.
Short: pull, pool, shoe
long: woman, school, glue
It surprised people because the dance was much slower and smoother than usual.