The answer to this question would be D, gaviotas, because the meaning of gaviotas is "seagull, which is a kind of bird, Las ___________ son aves que viven en las regiones costeras, in English would be "The ----- are birds that live in coastal regions"
so with the answer, and in English it would be "The seagulls are birds that live in coastal regions"
and in Spanish it would be " Las gaviotas son aves que viven en las regiones costeras".
Hopefully this is helpful and correct. (:
Con suerte, esto es útil y correcto. (:
A paso de peatones
b aduana
c teatro
d sala d radiografia
e avion
f sala d espera
g mostrador d la linea aerea
h museo d arte
I carro
j cine
Kush gradually declined in power. A series of problems within the kingdom weakened its economy. One problem was that Kush's cattle were allowed to overgraze. ... By 350 CE, they were conquered by neighboring kingdoms and the last influences of the Kush disappeared.
your sister (informal) in Spanish is tu hermana