Hamilton wanted to add the taxes for the whiskey and Jefferson didn't want that tax. This tax was so America could get out of debt. Hamilton got his way untill people started rebelling. Then Jefferson made sure that when he became president that he would repeal or remove this tax.
Your answer is D: Common.
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Moliere, Defoe and Swift were the famous writers, Gibbon was a famous historian, Haydn and Bach are among the most famous figures in history of music. Most of the mentioned figures lived in the 17th and 18th Century, during the period of Baroque and Classicism.
It led to the deportation of Indians who lived East of the Mississippi river
The Removal Policy was part of the great movement of ethnic cleansing that struck Indians throughout the nineteenth century until the closure of the frontier in 1890. This policy was first introduced by Thomas Jefferson during the first decade of the nineteen century.
The issue of gold was for instance very important for what concerns the Cherokees. They had to be removed from their ancestral lands because gold had been found on their territory. They appealed to the Supreme Court which ruled in their favor in 1832.
Removal was carried out despite the efforts of the five Southeastern tribes(Choctaw, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Seminoles and Creeks) to assimilate to white man's life.
The tragic trail of tears between 1831 and 1838 saw the death of thousands of Indians who were brutally deported.
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