Answer: yes there should be, I feel like if there wasn’t people would get out of line and say too much
The Great Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902.
because that is correct answer
A) Mantua when he gets banned from the city!
they were affected by diseases and war
The descendants of Native American arrived over soo many years ago from some parts of Asia, leading to the development of different types of cultures and societies. The Europeans began to colonize them from 1492 and the population of these indigenous Americans began to go down as a result of diseases that was inflicted on them and war waged against them. Chicken pox and measles brought from Asia had little impacts on the Europeans but killed Native Americans in numbers because they were not immune to them.
The Native Americans were fought against and removed from their lands and discriminatory policies were also put on them which rightly changed their lives.
The Battle of Gettysburg:
The Battle of Gettysburg was the most important battle of the civil war. The Battle of Gettysburg would become the climatic conclusion for the Confederated that fought in the Civil War. What transpired in the three days of this battle has significantly influenced today’s society. Because of this battle, the Union gained their lead on the Confederate forces and won the civil war, which protected the county from falling apart and completing their ultimate goal. This battle had several ups and downs that changed the course of events. However, one dramatic turning point in the war stands out above all others, The Battle of Gettysburg. From the beginning, the Union was destined to become victorious through superior military tactics and a more industrialization. However, several things must first happen to lead up to this dramatic battle. It was a defining battle of the Civil War. It marked a turning point for the Union as well as for the Confederates, though it was not the final battle to be fought. There were many events prior the actual battle that had led to this clash. The United States was undergoing great changes in the mid 1800's. Populations in both the North and the south grew tremendously. was a defining battle of the Civil War. It marked a turning point for the Union as well as for the Confederates, though it was not the final battle to be fought. There were many events prior the actual battle that had led to this clash (Berkin 442). The United States was undergoing great changes in the mid 1800's. Populations in both the North and the south grew tremendously.
Not sure if that is 500 words or not but you can add on if you want. I never like history when I was in highschool but here you go.