By lowering interest rates to help business.
The design feature of Hagia Sophia that is considered the most daring is the main dome encircled by a band of forty windows.
Hagia Sophia is consideed by many as the masterpeice of Bryzantine architecture and it is located in Turkey. The daring feature of the masterpeice is doubtlessly the central dome which is 184 feet high and has a diameter 102 feet. The very fact that the huge dome sits on pendentives and not on a flat solid base makes the structure a daring one.
Pendentives are supporting arches at square corners makes a circular plan possible. The main dome can be called a succession of smaller domes because the arches at east and west are extended by half domes that rest on even smaller portecos.
Im going to assume its because a "lame duck" session only happened when congress meets after a election.
Mark Twain called the late 19th century the "Gilded Age." By this, he meant that the period was glittering on the surface but corrupt underneath.
They worshipped over 2,000 deities and lived off crops. They lived near the Nile and hold filled with minerals.