My best friend, who I'll call "Frankie" for this, have been buddies for three or four years now. We've gotten to the point where we don't care if we know secrets about each other, and we don't care if we drink out of the same glass. Every time we hang out, there's nothing specific we do. We just...exist together. Sometimes we don't even talk, and that's okay. An example of this is one of the days we had gone to the dollar store down the street from each of our houses and spent all of our money on random little things. We went back to his house, went down into his basement, and recorded an episode of our own podcast. Nobody knows about the podcast, and nobody but us listens to it, and it's great! He fell asleep before me, and I stayed awake until the sun came up. I was just messing around on my computer and drinking one of the Arizona teas I bought until the sun came up. He woke up, we ate breakfast, and then I went home. A normal day and night for us, but it was worth it. We enjoyed ourselves, and in the end, that's all that matters.
In an argument, you're trying to convince the reader to agree with you. A show of emotion or being emotional shows that you believe in and/or passionate about your topic.
D. Problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping cannot be used together in a situation.
Option D is correct, because problem-focused coping involves different strategies or development. These strategies may include, solving the problem oneself, taking help from someone else to solve the problem, detaching oneself from the problem (e.g <em>it's not my problem</em>). These strategies can never help in coping emotional stresses. Strategies to cope emotional stresses may include, distraction (keeping oneself busy in something), emotional disclosure (expressing one's emotions fully by writing or talking to someone), spiritual guidance/attachment (praying, and/or contentment), catharsis (the purification emotions through art) etc.
Option A is not correct because death of family member is an emotional stress (which cannot be solved, but only coped) and not a problem (which can be solved)
Option B is not correct because life's problems are problems (which can be solved), they are not emotions.
Option C is incorrect because emotion-focused coping does give good outcomes, as does problem-focused coping.
False is the answer I know it