Ancient Egyptian rulers commonly had absolute power, with nobody willing or able to argue their demands. Modern governments typically divide power among several different groups or people.
That meant that the South would have been starved of supplies and would have been forced to surrender.
1. uncle joe was joseph stalin . it was the name given to him as an american ally who helped the US win world war 2 before the cold war started
2. united nations started after the failure of the league of nations and the success of world war 2 as a way of conflict resolution. they served as a military force when the ussr and china boycotted the vote by the UN security council to intervene in korean war
3. satellite nations were the eastern european countries the ussr took over after defeating nazi germany. they are also the countries the ussr had sign the warsaw pact after the western powers formed to make NATO. these countries included poland, czechoslovakia and bulgaria
4. iron curtain is the termed created by winston churchill to describe the ussr and the eastern european countries they controlled. he basically said the ussr is pulling an iron curtain on these countries versus the west
5. containment was the policy of the united states to stop the spread of communism perpetrated by the ussr. it was used as reason by the US to fight in korea and vietnam
6. Truman pledged that the United States would help any nation resist communism in order to prevent its spread. a big one was the help given to west germany. khan academy