A literary style popular during the Romantic era that emphasized the flawed nature of man and his potential for destruction rather than progress, often through monstrous heroes and/or sympathetic villains.
Gothic literature
The Japanese thought that Godzilla could have been a result of the nuclear radiation from the bombs,
Producers produce food energy for themselves and all the other levels
Producers don't have to gather food, they make it themselves
An argumentative essay is a chance to hone your reasoning and research skills. While debates with friends and family over ethics can be emotionally charged, an academic essay should be a logical, well-reasoned presentation of an issue. It should emphasize why your approach makes more sense than another point of view. Because ethics is a broad and complex topic, it's wise to craft a very specific thesis and ensure that your paper addresses a single specific issue that can be exhaustively covered in a few pages.
Before you begin writing your paper, you'll need to research the topic you've chosen. You'll likely have to draw on several authoritative sources to support your arguments, and you should be familiar with what other people have said about the issue. Sketch an outline of your paper, focusing on supporting your main idea and how you'll develop each part of your argument. List all sources and references you find for each argument or sub-topic. Your outline can help you avoid adding unnecessary information and makes it easier to craft a paper with a strong, logical structure.
Pythia desires control because no one was uphold and for his loved one. Dionysius was a ruler of Syracuse but he would abuse his power with his hot tempere he would kill anyone thats angered him. when Dionysius was told he was mad. so he killed him.