Which of the variables affects the mass of the rock (samples)?
which of the variables causes the breakdown of the rocks (samples)?
The correct answer is option A. "They only introduce supercoiling and cannot relax a covalently closed circular DNA".
Type II topoisomerases are enzymes that regulate the winding an unwinding of DNA during DNA replication. Basically, these enzymes are the scissor that remove the knots and tangles formed during the replication process. Is false to affirm that type II topoisomerases only introduce supercoiling and cannot relax a covalently closed circular DNA. Bacterial type II DNA topoisomerases work with the circular DNA of bacterium by changing the linking number of circular DNA by ±2.
The autosomal dominant trait means that the trait is visible in homozygous dominant and in heterozygous condition. The X linked recessive trait will be pass down from mothers to their sons and daughters will show the trait in homozygous recessive condition only.
The man is achandroplastic dwarf ( Aa) with normal vision (XY ) is married with woman that has normal height (aa) with color blind (XhXh). They have a daughter who is dwarf ( Aa). The probability of being dwarf can be calculated by the cross Aa × aa. The offspring are Aa, Aa, aa, aa. Means 1/2 are the probability of being hetterozygous for achondroplastic . The vision probability is calculated by cross XY and XhXHh. The probability that female is heterozygous is 1/2.
So, the heterozygous probability for both trait is 1/2× 1/2 = 1/4.
A) Neither; they both have the same frequency.
GAR and AICAR transformylase
Tetrahydrofolate is essential for purine and pyrimidine synthesis, its deficiency can lead to inhibition of nucleic acid such as DNA and RNA and protein synthesis, which are important for the growth and survival of both normal cells and cancer cells. N-10-formyltetrahydrofolate acts as a donor of carbon atoms to the actively growing bases. It contribution is mediated by the action of the Glycinamide Ribonucleotide (GAR) transformylase and the N-5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide (AICAR) transformylase.