It has the possibility of creating one homogenous culture throughout the world, and distorting foreign cultures. Furthermore, it can be argued that Cultural Imperialism is prevalent in today's media climate, where core countries own the majority of global media and export their cultural values.
Answer: The independent states claim the power to levy war, make peace, make alliances with foreign nations, conduct trade, and to do anything else that independent states have the right to do.
Explanation: The citizens of each colony have pledged their loyalty and lives to the cause of the newly independent nation.
Martín Lutero (después cambio su nombre a Martin Luther) era un profesor, compositor, sacerdote, monje agustino, y figura fundamental de Eisleben, Alemania que enseñaba teología (estudio de Dios y creencias religiosas.)
C. Delegates were chosen by state legislatures, and each state had one vote in Congress.
Because they help each other and became wealthy