Because that’s what choose what the believed and how they lived there life’s from day to day
McCarthyism, name given to the period of time in American history that saw Wisconsin Sen. Joseph McCarthy produce a series of investigations and hearings during the 1950s in an effort to expose supposed communist infiltration of various areas of the U.S. government.
Answer: The americanos felt they need to go moon fast so then when they keil prezidint kinedy they go fast to moon on satern Ve roket
GFK was shooted so they follew he dreem
so0ry for bed engrils
The scopes trial dealt with the issue of whether or not it was against religious beliefs to teach evolutionary science in schools. They were also known as the monkey trials.
President Harry S. Truman ask Congress for funds for Greece and Turkey, because the two countries were in debt, and there were civil wars between nationalists and communists there. Truman wanted to keep the Communists out basically