i think it's "I have found some proof that dragons may have existed."
Once you are out of school there will be lots of pressure that you will have to handle, nobody will spoon-feed you, and nobody would even pinpoint where you are making mistakes. Even if you fail in life, you will have to take responsibility on your shoulders.
No but he looks constipated
A hyphen is used to connect two words together and the exclamation and period are used to end a complete sentence. A dash is used in the middle of a sentence which is where information follows it.
You could add futher punctuation and contractions. This sentence isn't grammatically correct either, as it's missing a conjuction.
We're very proud of our school, and we would like to give you a glimpse into the acedemic lives of our students.
You could also write the sentence without the conjuction, but it would have to be broken up into two separate thoughts.
Ex: We are very proud of our school. We would like to give you a glimple into the acedemic lives of our students