It's an irrational number
Step-by-step explanation:
√2 = 1.4142135623730950488016887242096980785696718...
π = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939...
e = 2.718281828459045235360287...
∛10 = 2.1544346900318837217592935665193504952593449421921...
and more
If the number has a finite or repeating decimal, then it is a rational number.
1) Jason: Shop A - 11 units; Shop B - 12 units. Sales increase at 17% per week. So, 11 + 12 = 23.
f(x) = 23(1.17)ˣ
2) Daniel: Element A temp - 44(1.13)ˣ ; Element B temp - 17(1.13)ˣ. How much temp of Element A be more than the temp of Element B.
f(x) = 44(1.13)ˣ - 17(1.13)ˣ = 27(1.13)ˣ
f(x) = 27(1.13)ˣ
3) Maggie: Tshirt price - $13. Charity donation - 270
f(x) = 13x - 270
4) Mr. Smith: Length of backyard - 30x + 29 ; Length of square patio - 13x + 6
Length not covered by the patio.
f(x) = (30x + 29) - (13x + 6) = 30x - 13x + 29 - 6 = 17x + 23
f(x) = 17x + 23
a) Var[z] = 1600
D[z] = 40
b) Var[z] = 2304
D[z] = 48
c) Var[z] = 80
D[z] = 8.94
d) Var[z] = 80
D[z] = 8.94
e) Var[z] = 320
D[z] = 17.88
Step-by-step explanation:
In general
V([x+y] = V[x] + V[y] +2Cov[xy]
how in this problem Cov[XY] = 0, then
V[x+y] = V[x] + V[y]
Also we must use this properti of the variance
V[ax+b] =
and remember that
standard desviation = ![\sqrt{Var[x]}](
a) z = 35-10x
Var[z] =
Var[x] = 100*16 = 1600
D[z] =
= 40
b) z = 12x -5
Var[z] =
Var[x] = 144*16 = 2304
D[z] =
= 48
c) z = x + y
Var[z] = Var[x+y] = Var[x] + Var[y] = 16 + 64 = 80
D[z] =
= 8.94
d) z = x - y
Var[z] = Var[x-y] = Var[x] + Var[y] = 16 + 64 = 80
D[z] =
= 8.94
e) z = -2x + 2y
Var[z] = 4Var[x] + 4Var[y] = 4*16 + 4*64 = 320
D[z] =
= 17.88
A = 11/5, let me know if you need me to tell you how i got it (show my work)
Step-by-step explanation:
تغخممقدز لغه فغر للغاز