If RNA polymerase malfunctions, one of the subunits of rRNA will not be transcribed from DNA. amino acids will not be joined to their tRNA. ... the two resulting DNA molecules each have one new DNA strand and one old strand from the original DNA molecule.
have a good day
It provided a theme for art.
The answer is 'B'.
Perestroika was a Soviet policy to make the economy more open to foreign competition and individual citizens.
Mikhail Gorbachev attempted to reconstruct the economic system of the Communist Party.
Example: Ending price controls
Glasnost refers to the government becoming more open.
There are numerous things that have turned out to be beneficial from the Crusades, such as:
- Trade with the East
This led to the introduction of lot of new things in Europe, food, spices, materials. That resulted in development of large, strong, wealthy trade cities, and it prompted a big rise in the European economy.
- Technological advancements
The technological advancements from the Arab world and from the Far East changed the course of the European history. They managed to learn how to make better weapons, built better ships, use the magnetic compass, and make better maps, eventually giving them advantage in colonizing the world.
- Rediscovering of the ancient Greek and Roman texts
The Arab world manage to preserve some of the ancient literature from the Greeks and the Romans, and they were reintroduced in Europe. They were very influential later in history as they managed to prompt the social changes in Europe that led to the Renaissance.